Wednesday, June 20, 2012

If I Rise.

So.. I was on my countdown till India and today, that countdown just skipped a day. I got to know that my flight would leave a day earlier. Sad news, isn't it? I think otherwise.  My suggestion of music while reading. Enjoy!

The Rising Sun.
 Most exchange students would tell you that leaving your host country is one of the worst things that can ever happen to you. I really don't think so. When I got to know about it, I really did not know how to feel. I was caught in two minds. I was happy because I'm going back home a day earlier. I'm tired of my exchange, I really am. I can't continue with this life for long. An aimless life, a life without a routine. Yes, it certainly was the best year of my life but I've had enough. I have fulfilled my motive of being an exchange student. I have accomplished what I had set out to accomplish and that was to learn to be happy. 2010 did not really work for me the way I would have wanted to and exchange was a much needed break. I have learnt the alphabets by heart and I'm never going to forget them.. That's exactly what has happened with my exchange. The lesson has been learnt and has been learnt for life. I will need to revise it from time to time but never study it all over again. Like Paolo Coelho said in The Alchemist, or rather meant to say, you have to keep moving on in life. When you feel you have accomplished all that you could, move on! That's exactly what I want to do. Go forward. Meet newer challenges.
 The reason I felt sad was the face my mom made when she got to know that I had to go a day earlier. Even Da Vinci would have failed to potray those emotions, that's how deep it was. Just yesterday I asked her.. 'What if my flight got changed to an earlier date?'. She blew that question off with with a certain unease. Today. Voila! Flight changed. I really felt sad looking at her face at that time. Very sad. My brain gave an hurrah, but my heart sank like The Titanic. Slowly and painfully. I feel bad for her. She has been my best friend in Brazil. She really has. I have opened my heart to her on various occasions and she let me in with such ease! I talked with her about anything and everything. From girl problems to football. Wait, this is turning into a goodbye letter now. Something I am trying to avoid doing. Change topic.
 Last blog post was about getting prepared to face India and I can certainly say that I'm ready and that too before time. Some of my exchange student friends are hating it back in their home country because they got so used to their exchange that they couldn't differentiate real life and exchange. Too bad for them because they ended up suffering, ended up praising their host country all the time and ended up losing themselves in their exchange world. This is what exchange has done to me. I have become wiser and I know it. It's not me but everything and everyone around me who deserve the credit. All I have done is observe. That's it, the easiest thing that exists. My two amazing host families who always supported me, helped me, raised me up as a brazilian deserve the credit the most. I shall be indebted to them for life. Again, its turning into a goodbye letter.
 I knew from the beginning, that exchange was a ten month deal. Did the deal yield profits? Did I have a succesful exchange? That question.. India shall answer.

P.S. Just ten days till this blog 'The Land of My Dreams' meets it's end. :)

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Be Prepared.

June is here. June 2012. It's not just your common month of June. June 2012 signifies the last month of my exchange, the last month of my Brazilian life as a 16 year old. June 2012 is a warning or rather a sign that after a month I'm not going to be a 'Brazilian' anymore. It's time I start thinking about giving up my brazilian throne for newer beginnings.
Bring It On.
 9 months is a along time and even more in the life of a sixteen year old. This is the year that will make me into whatever I shall become in the future. But right now, it's time to think about the nearer future. Going back to India. Those four words sent shivers down my spine. Am I scared? Oh Yes! I'm TERRIFIED. The main reason for that is because each and every thing is going to be completely different for two reasons. 1) 9 months is a long time for major changes to occur. 2) I, personally, am a completely different person. The first point does not concern me that much, the second does. Returning is going to be harder than coming to Brazil. In Brazil, nobody knew who or what I was... I had to construct a whole new image about me for the Brazilians. Starting from scratch is always easier than changin stuff right in the middle. That, is the problem. In India, people expect me to be something they want me to be. My parents will expect me to be a studious guy when I get back. I even know the words that are going to be said to me.. "You have had almost 18 months of vaction now, we let you do whatever you wanted to, you enjoyed, now it's time you put your butt down and concentrate on your studies" (My parents are going to have a grin on their face when they read this) Point agreed. My friends are going to want me to be whatever they are. They have already created different groups of their own with newer people. What am I supposed to do now? Choose? I, on the other hand have totally different views about what I'm going to do. I'm still dreaming. Wake up early, exercise, go to college, study, lunch, football, time with friends, study, dinner, study, sleep. Hah! I wish it was that easy. I really do. But, it isn't going to be and that's where the 'New Jay' comes into the picture. Preparation.
 One month to go and I'm getting ready to have not the worst, but the most challenging time of my life when I return. I already am, to be honest. I'm ready to get hammered physically as well as mentally. I have had a really really easy life here thanks to my wonderful host families and all the wonderful people I met here. I did my part (learning the language, adapting.etc.) and they more than did their's. But, I needed this time and I got it and I made the most of it. I compare photos from nine moths ago to recent photos and I see a huge change, I don't know if you guys do. It's not just the hair and the piercing.. The smile, the earlier babyish smile has turned itself into a adultish smirk. The eyes, the eyes looked happy and dreamy before. Now? They look strong and confident. I'm not praising myself, it's just what has happened with time and experiences. All I know, is that I'm proud of myself. No matter what anyone else says.
 Getting back to the main topic, I'm preparing myself for a war. A war against myself, a war where both sides can win... or lose. It's going to be one hell of a challenge and even though I am terrified, I also am excited to confront whatever India and Pune has in store for me. I'll try and I shall give it my best shot, not only to demonstrate what good this exchange has done to me but also, subdue the Brazilian side.. Lock it up deep inside. I am going to come back strong and confident with the belief that just like We (My family) tackled challenges in the past, we shall do it once again. We are in this together and we always shall be. I have just one request to my family and friends back in India. I am going to try and adapt as quickly and as well as possible. All I want from you guys, is your support and a little bit of patience. (Friends mainly)
 This is just warm up. The real deal is just thirty-two days away. At this moment Scar's (From Lion King) voice rings in my ear.. BE PREPARED. Don't worry, I assure you... We shall be. We shall.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

It's Time.

There isn't a better time to write this blog than today. 20th May 2012 was an emotional day for all us exchanges. Saying goodbye is always harder than it should be, always was and always will be. It's a pity that it has to be done someday or the other in all walks of life.
 About 9 months ago we were just random kids from all over the world meeting up in an hotel in Atibaia. Nobody meant nothing to each other. We were mere citizens of the world. All this time later, we all know how much it has changed. I mean, I was just observing the people saying goodbye to each other rather than participating in it. The group hugs, the individual hugs, the kisses. But, why? Why was everybody crying so much? Why was there so much sadness around? I thought about it for sometime and I found the answer.
 Time. Time changes everything. People, emotions, feelings.. Everything. I'm sure all of us have gone through drastic changes during this year. We have evolved, physically and mentally. Some of us have become fat (Most of us actually), some have become blonde, some have got new tattoos or piercings. Mentally, we have all become stronger, we all know a new language, but the main, the major change that has occured is that we have started valuing people. Valuing your family, your friends, the people you have around because now we know how it is to live away from all of it. How hard it is. That, my friend, is exactly the reason for all the tears. We value each other. We know what the other person means to us. His real worth. Nobody wanted to let go of Hailey and Chloe during hugs because somewhere deep down inside, we knew that we may never see that person again. It's bitter, but it can happen. The person with whom you spent the best time of your life with is gone forever, literally. Every one of us is irreplaceable.. Nobody can take 'fill in' for your exchange student friends because they know exactly how you feel and what you have been through. JUST WE KNOW. Coldplay helped me in my endeavour of finding the answer.
   " Tears stream..
     Down your face.
     When you lose something,
     You can't replace"
That is why we cried.. The thought of maybe losing someone you will not be able to replace, no matter what, is depressing. This is just another phase of our exchange. Unfortunately, the last one.
 This is natures way of telling all of us that It's Time. It's time because a whole circle has been completed. We cried when we left our parents, our friends, our life and now wer cry because we do the same now. Say goodbye to our (host) parents, (exchange students) friends and this new life we managed to construct. It's time we make the most of the moments we have had in this exchange to be better people. I know I don't talk a lot, but I know that I understand emotions and I understand people. I just wanted to share this with all of you. Also, always remember, it's good to cry for someone. Then that person knows how much he means to you :)
The answer has been found and passed on. I have a strange feeling that my next blog-post is going to be about exchange students too. Hold on.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Being Imperfect.

Been a long time since I last posted. More than a month to be honest! Life has been pretty busy.. I mean, I have been busy enjoying the last part of my exchange. I have done loads of things in the past three weeks. Been to the beach twice, went to meet Neymar, travelled alot, reached the finals of a tournament, experienced one of the most amazing football games. Its been fun. 
But, I wont write about all that today. I dont want to elaborate all the details of the past weeks.. I am being a tad lazy, I know.  This time its going to be very philosphical again. VERY philosophical. One thing I realised in the past weeks is that this world is a very strange place to live in. Full of imperfections. A beautiful beach is littered with plastic bottles, the clouds cover what should be a nice, bright sunny day on the beach, some really strange couples. Nothing is perfect. It never will be, I'm sure. But why? Why does all this have to be so? Why can't we just live in a peaceful world, without wars, fights, 'bad people'. Why not? This got me thinking..
 I realised that imperfection is a necessity. To get better. Watch and learn, is the name of the game. Some do learn, some don't. Its useless trying to make the WORLD a better place to live in. I'd rather start from myself. Like a certain Bob Marley once said," Who are you to judge the life I live? I know I'm not perfect - and I don't live to be - but before you start pointing fingers, make sure your own hands are clean." BAM. The truth. Never again shall I complain about another person before becoming better myself. I can't complain about an ugly man with the most beautiful woman ever or vice-versa being single myself.  Never again shall I get angry on someone who did a lot for me just because of one moment of, i dont know, being careless, irresponsible. I'm imperfect and thats why I know the value of perfection. People who have experienced sadness, know what its is like to be happy. Its all a game of opposite. A little game which we all play. A game of destiny and luck. Ability doesnt count. Ability is a gift, destiny is what you make of it.
Also, there have been a lot of people who get something they do NOT deserve. Deserve is a strong word.. Some people get immensely lucky. Like I did when I got to see the training of Santos F.C up close and personal. I got into football just 3 years ago. There are friends who love football since they were kids. Why me? Did I really deserve to be there? I don't know and I never will. It just happened, out of nothing and it was one of the best days of my life. The last few weeks have been perfect. I expected exchange to a lot less. Its a pleasant surprise this year. So many friends, so many connections, so much to learn, so much to live, so much to be. But all this.. Why me? Again, I dont know. But I shall find out, someday, I shall.
Its strange how I know that these are the good times and they wont last forever. The bad times are bound to arrive, sooner or later (Like I said, a game of opposites) Though this time, I'm ready. I am ready to face all imperfections, all the bad times. I feel strong and confident that I shall surpass whatever calamity He wants me to survive. I shall win by being honest, brave and loyal. These are my three new weapons.
Ha! I have rambled enough, but there was a lot to get out of this complicated brain of mine. To conclude, always remember...Don't Worry, Be Happy. Tchau :)

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

The Beautiful Game. Part 1.

Brazil.. A land where football is not just a game. It's a part of life. Since I came here I have watched many fathers (even mothers at times) taking their 2-3 year old kids to play. Fascinating. The first gifts Brazilians receive as children include a team jersey or a football, it's that simple.
I was playing at a club for the past 4-5 months. Guarani F.C it's called. One of the two teams of my city, Campinas. The last month I got one of the best news of my life. I had been selected to play for the club in a tournament. A dream come true, really! I did not know how it happened, but it did. Copa Hipica is the name.
10th March 2012. One of the most unforgettable days of my life. The team bus (Yes, we had a team bus! All we had in India was a Rickshaw crammed with 6 people) was going to leave at 7 in the morning. My excitement woke me up at 5:30. I met a whole new bunch of people. I had never seen my team before that day. The city of Paulinia where the games was going to take place was half an hour away. When we reached the place, I was stunned. A lush green carpet of grass with two goal-posts at each end. Legendary stuff. Naturally, I was playing in the 94/95 age group. The games started with 01/02. So we had to wait 4 hours till our game got under way. I got to kid around with the team a bit, enjoy passing the ball around, laughing, enjoying ourselves. After what seemed a century, the time finally arrived. We were told to warm up with the assistant coach (Yeah, we have an assistant coach too!) I was promptly handed the No.17 jersey. Not bad, I thought. I put on my Beckham shirt underneath (for inspiration) and we were off for the team talk. The coach told us the team.. I started as a substitute. First game.. Indian guy amongst Brazilians, I was expecting that.
 Before the game began, these players pray. All together, in a huddle. I prayed with them. Shivers down my spine and having goosebumps are phrases too weak to explain what I felt that time. The game began... Both teams toe to toe, yet, the first half ended 1-0 to the other side. The coach was telling me to read the game and he explained to me that the midfield was weak. He told me to warm up 2 minutes into the second half. After about 5 minutes he sent me on. He told me what he wanted me to do, hold the midfield, mark their players, release the ball early. I was too concentrated at that time that I understood what he meant perfectly. The ball went out of play.. THIS was the moment I was waiting for. I was going on, to play. I was going to do a thing I love the most. I bent down, brushed the grass with my hand, put my hand on my heart and looked up to the heavens... I was ready. The team was still losing by a goal and I did all I could to make that change. I was running around with all force I had. The people I was playing against seemed more like twenty years old than sixteen.. All of them bulky and tall. I started getting involved in the game now. Passing the ball around, marking whichever player I saw free. My efforts were rewarded. The team scored two goals in the time I was on the pitch. We won. 2-1. Good result to start the tournament. A little party with Guarana, Fanta and sandwiches followed. On the way back, I could not stop smiling. I was sitting in the window of the bus and I just could NOT stop smiling. I was so happy about the time I had spent playing, so happy about having contributed to the team, so happy to have won! A good day. :)
17th March 2012.
Second game of the tournament. We had a team 'van' this time because only two age groups were going to play. The trip was a short one. Thirty minutes at the most. The venue left me stunned. The weather, warm and cloudy. No sun. A perfect background of trees. PERFECT GRASS. It was the stuff painters create. Everybody was so awestruck with the field that we could not wait to go on and play! We were playing the second game of the day, so there wasn't a lot of time wasted. This time, it was much more professional. We had a proper substitutes bench, a dressing room for home and away teams, which for me, was heaven! We entered the dressing rooms and got ready kidding around with each other... A whole new experience for me. I was No.18 for this game (I have no idea why) We went out and warmed up and then it was time for the team to be announced. I was starting as a substitute again but I had made notable improvement because the coach said the Jay will come on later. He was using me as an impact sub. Great news for me! He also told us that playing this team won't be easy. This was the team of the city, it was the municipal team (Not the municipality we have in India, it's good here!) Everybody was really pumped up after that talk.. The captain of the team talked to us about what he expected. Everybody respected him and that was something really amazing to see, everyone listening intently; adding their own opinions at times. The game began.. The other team was pretty strong. Stronger than our team for sure. I was sitting on the subs' bench listening to music while watching the game. Their team won a penalty but our keeper saved it!! Unfortunately, their team scored sometime later. At the end of the first half we were losing 1-0. The coach told me to warm up right away because I was going on for the second half. I warmed up, got ready. The coach told me to do the same thing I did in the last game. I agreed. Just as I was about to enter.. The assistant coach gave a pat on my back as I was walking towards the field he said, ' Jay, I believe in you' F**k, I thought. That was one of the best moments of my life. Unforgettable. That made me even more motivated to put in a good performance and I did exactly that. My duty in the game changed after a while. I was told to attack this time around because the game needed me to do that. We scored sometime later. 1-1. After Lady Luck smiled upon us thrice (the ball hit the goal-post when it should have been a sure goal for the other team) we held on and drew this game.
 Next saturday, I'm playing again. I can't wait because most probably I'm going to start that game. For me, Football is not merely a game. It's love. So emotional, sometimes so sad, so disappointing yet so fulfilling. There is a reason, it's called The Beautiful Game. Long Live Football.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Trembling Hands.

3rd March 2012. This date is a milestone for me. It means, that In just four months I shall be going back to my country. In other words, it means that I have completed six months in Brazil. Half of an year.
Six months away from something that was everything to me! My country, my parents, my friends, my city, my culture. In six months, I have started it all over.. In a different country, with different people, adopted a different culture. It hurts sometimes, to be away from all that I had or rather still have. I don't know why but it reminds me of the talk my host-dad gave me when I reached in my second house. He said to me, 'Enjoy! This is YOUR time. Don't worry about things back home because your time there, has paused for a while. Nobody is going to take your place in India. It's going to be the same when you go back.' This talk made me think. Is it true? Is everything going to be the same when I go back? Considering majority of the things, I would say no. Everything is not going to be the same. One year is a long time. People change in one year, their thoughts change, places change... Since they say that 'Change is the only constant' it seems to me that it is going to be hard to get back again. I'm so accustimed to the surroundings here, to the people here, to this culture that sometimes I think,'How the hell am I going to change all over again?' One of my ex-exchange students resolved it for me.. Go back and treat it as another exchange. The best tip. This 'exchange' is going to be easier.. I know the people, I can speak the language.. It's the change in thinking that needs to be changed.
Last month, I said goodbye to an Indian exchange student in Brazil and it dawned upon me that someday I'm going to say goodbye to everyone! That day started flashing before my eyes.It is going to be one of the saddest moments of my life. I do not think I will be able to bear it's burden. I'm still too weak. It's a lot to ask for, to be honest. I pictured myself crying inconsolably, my face held tightly in my trembling hands. The worst part is that, this day is just four months away. I still cannot believe that it is going to happen. But, one can never get the best of both worlds, can he? One needs to sacrifice something for the other and in my case, that sacrifice has to be made. It has to be made to embrace new things. That sacrifice has to be made to move on with life and grow old with it. It's going to be hard like most of the things 'life' throws at you. But, if I have learnt one thing perfectly in my exchange is, ' What you give life, is what life gives you' and I'm going to give it the best I have got so that I get the best in return. What I do, decides what I get.. Indirectly, I deserve what I get. I know I strayed away from the main topic here and it's about time I got back.
So, talking about going back, it reminds me of all the stuff I did my entire life. Eating Amrakhanda everyday, enjoying snacks like Bhel, Pani Puri, Vada Pav with my 'real' friends.. laughing and joking along as we enjoy it. I miss speaking Marathi.. A LOT! A Ranade is not the same Ranade without Marathi. I even miss the festivals.. Dancing in Ganpati, Fireworks and the food in Diwali.. I'm also going to miss Holi thi year! This kind of a phase is so confusing! I want to go back, but I dont and there is nothing I can do about that.
On a concluding note.. There is one thing common between staying here and going back. Trembling Hands. If I stay here, my hands tremble when I think about all the stuff back in India. The day I will leave this place, my hands will tremble because I'm going to be scared. When I get back, my hands will tremble because I'm going to be something different in someplace different than I knew. The hands will tremble, I'm sure...

Sunday, February 12, 2012


This blog post is about my trip to Rio from 6th Feb to 10th Feb 2012. Generally, blogs which describe a trip are supposed to be informative and detailed.. I, on the other hand, am going to make this one more to the philosophical side.
Rio De Janeiro. Three beautiful words. In portuguese they mean ' The River of January'. I always had, not exactly a dream but, an attraction towards this place. Mainly because of the statue of Christ. I went there by plane.. the first time I laid my eyes on this city, I was fascinated. Fascinated by the sheer beauty Rio offers.. It was a sunny day, the sun beaming on the blue waters of the sea.. Amazing. We checked into our hotel and after the general 'Getting to know each other' session, we went to have dinner. We were back in our hotel by night and then we went to the roof of the hotel where they had a swimming pool. We met some Dutch tourists there and after a cultural and intellectual exchange (about football) it was time to go to bed. Here, I HAVE to mention that from the roof, you could see the Christ. Just the Christ in clear white light. That is one of the best sights in the world. The son of God with his hands spread wide looking over the city of Rio de Janerio, protecting the people. Watching the statue gave me a sense of motivation, a sense of security and the best of all, the feeling of a dream coming true with every passing moment. Then, I was off to sleep before I knew it. I was sleeping in one of the most beautiful cities in the world.. That is a feeling to savour.
   The morning was a lazy one.. We had to change our hotels. So, after doing all that, our group was off to the beach. The Copacabana beach. The most famous beach in the world. It meant a lot more to me just because of the fact that I love the beach in general. My first step on the white sands was an unforgettable one. I took off my slippers and I let my foot just sink in. *Chup* Beautiful. Just Perfect. I walked towards the water just to discover that it was really really cold! Many people had doubts whether to get in or not. I had my mind fixed. Cold or warm, I don't care.. I'm going in. The water stopped being cold after a while and then it was wonderful. Imagine a light blue horizon in front, white sands behind you, calm yet strong waves crashing into you and you just breathe, one breath after the other, your heart beating a bit faster than normal, close your eyes and let Rio win you over. I, have experienced serenity. Peace of mind. Peace of body and peace of soul. After all this soul searching and feeling serene, I went to enjoy. Swimming with friends, taking pictures, eating french fries and taking a walk till the end of the Copacabana beach helped me pass the time. We arrived at mid-day and it was already four by now. I decided to indulge myseld in a game of football with some strangers until half past four when it was time to leave. I left Copacabana in happiness, hoping to return some day. We got cleaned up after frolicking in the sands and the immense amount of salt the sea posseses. I slept for a while, until it was time to go have dinner. We were supposed to go to have a Samba class but that got cancelled for some reason. So, we went shopping to a little market-place near the beach. The day ended with a good-nights sleep.

Third day in Rio already. Todays schedule was a trip to the centre of the city. The first place we went to was a place with called the Selaron stairs. It was filled with various tiles from all over the world. India had representatives too. Tiles with pictures of the Ramayana and some other tiles with Sai Baba, Durga and Shiva were also there. That place was filled with colours and diversity and some unforgettable idioms. Next, we went walking towards the Theatre of the city.. We passed by a statue of Mahatma Gandhi and Mahatma Gandhi Square. The statue and the name because some peace treaty between India and Brazil was signed at that place by Gandhiji. It was nice to see India and Brazil be so attached to each other and being an ambassador of the country in Brazil, it makes me even more proud and happy to have come to Brazil. Moving on, we saw the theatre, an old church and also went to a Victorian styled restaurant to have some sweets. Later, we went to see the Maracana stadium! THE MARACANA STADIUM. We could not enter the stadium because of ongoing work for the 2014 World Cup (Maybe I shall enter the stadium in 2014 with 80,000 other people!) Then, we went to see a favela. As soon as I entered the favela, I remembered Mumbai. The exact same smell, the same things. I was back in India for a while. Every house or rather shack had a TV, a washing machine and a microwave. There were little children scampering around and old people just chilling. We went to an opening where three 'ripe' men came out without shirts, one with a coke in his hand, set-up a table and started playing cards. Pretty nice life, I thought to myself. That is Brazil for you.. No matter how bad the situation, these people always know how to make it better, how to enjoy it, get positives out of it. I, too have learned that now. A good thing to learn, isn't it? Then, we were going to a place called Pao de Açucar, which means Sugar loaf. It is at a height of about 2100 metres and you can see almost the whole city of Rio from there. I did not find that place VERY interesting.. It was just for the view. Dinner at a pizza place followed. The exchange students had planned a small party for a Finnish girl who was turning 18 tomorrow. We danced until 1:30 and then went to sleep.
4th and the last day in Rio already. THIS was the day I was waiting for. It was time to visit the most magnificent place in Rio. Christ the Redentor. My dream. We got out of our hotel and a brief bus journey took us to the place. We sat into a tram which would then take us to the statue. We reached there and everyone scattered around. I was on my own from here. I took the two escalators and I say the most grand, the most magnificent thing I had ever seen in my entire life. It did not seem like a statue anymore. It seemed like a real man. I just thought to myself, ' My God. This makes everything worth it. EVERYTHING. Right from filling in the application forms to going away from India to coming here. It was worth it.' Watching that thing from so near made me shiver. I could see the ENTIRE city of Rio from this place. Whatever the people do, wherever they go, whenever they need help... Jesus is watching. Literally. I thought of a man, about to commit suicide... He sees Jesus, with arms wide open and thinks to himself, ' No, this is not going to happen' His mind filled with peace, his heart full of hope, he starts his life all over again and ends up dying a happy man. Christ The Redentor is not merely statue... It's much more. He protects Rio de Janeiro. Later, we went to Ipanema beach to have some more fun and see the sun dying on Rio. I was in the water, watching the sun going down. Just relaxing my body.. Getting rid of all the pain, all the sadness and I was ready to be a good man after this trip. I am a changed man now.. I have evolved and I love it. Everything in me is changing for the better and I have this wonderful country to thank.
On a parting note, I feel that Rio de Janeiro and me are very similar. We have some wonderful things e.g Rio has Copacabana beach, I am a caring guy... Rio has Ipanema beach, I am fun-loving... Rio has the Christ, I am a peaceful soul... Rio has Maracana, I am a enthusiastic person. Yet, Rio has the favelas, a lot of drugs, corruption, robberies... Me? Haha.. I have my bad side too. 85 % is good but the remaining 15 % needs to be worked on... If the people of Rio can, why can't I? This, concludes my blog about the most beautiful country I have ever seen.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

25 Things I Know Have Changed.

So, it's been 5 months since I came here.. 5 more months to go. This one, is a list of things that have changed in me in the 5 months I have been here. In no particular order, here goes.
1. I have become more responsible. Now, I know how to take care of myself and my routine.
2. I have improved in football. A LOT.
3. I have started listening to reggae and post rock.
4. I am a lot less shy now. I do not hesitate before starting a conversation.
5. I have become a jolly person. I smile and laugh a lot since coming here, don't know why!
6. I started blogging! Hehehe
7. My way of thinking has undergone a drastic change. 
8. I learnt that there is something positive in every situation.
9. I have learnt a new language and I'm getting better at it everyday!
10. Making friends has been the highlight of my exchange. I have friends from all over the world.
11. I have realized who my true friends are, back home.
12. I know how to prepare Stroganoff and Brigadeiro (Brazilian sweet)
13. I have woken up at 5 in the evening! The latest in India was 1, I think.
14. I have had a lot of time to myself and that has helped me so much... It has brought me closer to myself and now I know What I Am and What I Have To Be.
15. I have watched a lot of movies.
16. I have become very peaceful. I have not become angry in 5 months which can only be a good thing.
17. Of Course, I have learnt the value of things and you cannot take anything for granted because itis being given to you.
18. I now know what it is to miss people.
19. I have grown a lot physically and mentally. I have become taller, put on some weight, currently growing a beard (Like a Boss) Mentally, I have become stronger, healthier, peaceful and thoughtful.
20. I have become more caring and loving.
21. I can now balance between keeping quiet and talking. I know when I should shut up and when I should share my opinions.
22. I have certainly become a lot more emotional than I was before.
23. I respect each and every person more than I did.
24. I have a new found love called Brazil.
25. The bottomline of all this, is that I have matured a lot and I know it. That is the best part of all. :)

So, that's all for now. You will experience all these changes in 5 months time. See you soon.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Every Coin Has Two Sides.

I am almost half-way through my exchange program and it has been wonderful so far. Until now, I have been praising this beautiful country (I can't stop!) and how it has developed me as a person. But, as the title suggests, every coin has two sides. This got me thinking about the 'negative' effects Brasil has had on me.
The first change I have noticed in me is the increase in 'Chalta Hai' attitude. I say increase because I always was to that side and Brasil has increased that side in me. I have started taking things easy. That is not what an exchange student is supposed to gain. The reason is simple, in Brasil everything is smooth. There is a huge chance that I have mis-understood it. But, that's the way my brain has perceived it. For e.g. It's ok if you go late to your class in school. It's ok even if you stay outside for no reason, the principal passes by and does nothing. Secondly, there were times when I did not do what I was told to do like petty chores in the house. My mother did them for me and did not even say anything.
Also, I am losing my politeness which my parents always imbibed in me. In India, I involuntarily got up from my place when an elderly person had no place to sit. I had an experience, where I thought for a while if all the other kids are don't want to get up, why should I? (Talk about peer pressure!) But, my Indian roots removed that question in no time. Still, it took me seven seconds to get up whereas in India it would have taken me two. (So far, this is the only incident which occurred in regard to politeness) My respect for the female form has taken a new turn. In Brasil, there is absolutely no difference between female and male friends. NO difference. You can say whatever you want no matter what gender you are talking to. Again, my Indian conscience refrains me from doing that. Besides that, here, touching people is on a whole new level compared to India. A shake hand in India = A kiss in Brasil. That's the best way I can put it. Fortunately, I know what I'm doing in regard to this matter. In Rome, do as the Romans do. In India, do as the Indians do. That's what I'm going to keep in mind at all times.
Studies. I have not studied absolutely anything for the past 5 months, I mean from a textboox or that sort of study. When I get back to India, I'm going to be a Science student with a PCMB course. I'm starting to get a tad concerned about coping up with it. No athlete can start running without a proper warm-up and neither can a brain! I need to leave that topic aside for a bit. I have my own laptop with a super-fast internet in my room. Dream distraction, isn't it? There is always something to see on the internet, always something to download, always someone to chat with. It's not that I'm addicted to my laptop (Thank God!) Whenever somebody asks me if I want to hang out, get together and do something I never say no! I am an 'outdoor person'. I don't think I had ever stayed in a house 24 hours for two days in a row. Until now. Bad.
The most important change, which in other words is the worst change, is that my self-motivation is depleting each day of the holidays. Already, I had self-motivation the size of a skunk. Now, it's the size of a hamster. Three of the above factors have contributed to this. 'Chalta Hai' attitude, no studies, nothing to do(I know you will disagree on this but it is happening) and the laptop with super-fast internet in my room. I decide to do something and then just forget all about it and it doesn't even matter! Which is a bad thing although it makes me happy.
But, being in Brasil for 5 months, I will always look at the positive side. I have taken the first step towards recovery, that is, understanding the problem! So, to all you people who want to come to Brasil. The grass is not always greener on the other side. But still, It's pretty green here and I do not regret coming to Brasil. One of the best things that can happen to a person. :)