June is here. June 2012. It's not just your common month of June. June 2012 signifies the last month of my exchange, the last month of my Brazilian life as a 16 year old. June 2012 is a warning or rather a sign that after a month I'm not going to be a 'Brazilian' anymore. It's time I start thinking about giving up my brazilian throne for newer beginnings.
Bring It On. |
One month to go and I'm getting ready to have not the worst, but the most challenging time of my life when I return. I already am, to be honest. I'm ready to get hammered physically as well as mentally. I have had a really really easy life here thanks to my wonderful host families and all the wonderful people I met here. I did my part (learning the language, adapting.etc.) and they more than did their's. But, I needed this time and I got it and I made the most of it. I compare photos from nine moths ago to recent photos and I see a huge change, I don't know if you guys do. It's not just the hair and the piercing.. The smile, the earlier babyish smile has turned itself into a adultish smirk. The eyes, the eyes looked happy and dreamy before. Now? They look strong and confident. I'm not praising myself, it's just what has happened with time and experiences. All I know, is that I'm proud of myself. No matter what anyone else says.
Getting back to the main topic, I'm preparing myself for a war. A war against myself, a war where both sides can win... or lose. It's going to be one hell of a challenge and even though I am terrified, I also am excited to confront whatever India and Pune has in store for me. I'll try and I shall give it my best shot, not only to demonstrate what good this exchange has done to me but also, subdue the Brazilian side.. Lock it up deep inside. I am going to come back strong and confident with the belief that just like We (My family) tackled challenges in the past, we shall do it once again. We are in this together and we always shall be. I have just one request to my family and friends back in India. I am going to try and adapt as quickly and as well as possible. All I want from you guys, is your support and a little bit of patience. (Friends mainly)
This is just warm up. The real deal is just thirty-two days away. At this moment Scar's (From Lion King) voice rings in my ear.. BE PREPARED. Don't worry, I assure you... We shall be. We shall.